Il 2022 appena iniziato inizia già a riservare gustose sorprese a tutti i fan di videogiochi, con il noto portale online TrueAchievement che potrebbe aver scovato degli importanti indizi circa il ritorno di GoldenEye 007 su console Xbox ed ovviamente anche su PC Windows.
Il noto portale online ha infatti rivelato di aver scoperto la presenza di 55 achievement (obiettivi) inediti che vanno a formare gli ormai classici 1.000 Gamerscore. Il sito però non è riuscito a capire di che cosa si tratti nello specifico, quindi se della versione per Nintendo 64 rilasciata in questo caso all’interno dell’ecosistema gaming di Microsoft ed arricchita dall’Alta Definizione, oppure se si tratta di un remake.
In quest’ultimo caso sarebbe infatti un’operazione molto importante e che certamente farebbe la felicità di una nutrita fetta di fan, potendosi gustare questa nuova ed ipotetica versione di GoldenEye 007 contraddistinta da un comparto tecnico all’avanguardia ed al passo con i tempi.
In attesa di avere ulteriori delucidazioni in merito dato un’occhiata alla lista completa degli Obiettivi qui sotto:
Name | Description | Gamerscore |
Back Again, Part Two | Complete Bunker 2 on any difficulty. | 20 |
Back Again, Part One | Complete Surface 2 on any difficulty. | 20 |
Calm Seas | Complete Frigate on any difficulty. | 20 |
Old-School Rockets! | Complete Silo on any difficulty. | 20 |
Shootin’ Cameras! | Complete Bunker 1 on any difficulty. | 20 |
Dual-wielding! | Complete Surface 1 on any difficulty. | 20 |
Fly Away! | Complete Runway on any difficulty. | 20 |
Chest-Pounding Goodness | Unlock DK Mode by completing Runway on Agent in 5:00 or less. | 10 |
Now try gunning for 2:05… | Complete Facility on any difficulty. | 20 |
RUN! | Complete Dam on any difficulty. | 20 |
So, So Lost… | Complete Statue Park on any difficulty. | 20 |
Interrogate This! | Complete Archives on any difficulty. | 20 |
TANK! | Complete Streets on any difficulty. | 20 |
Brief Respite | Complete Depot on any difficulty. | 20 |
How Long is this Train?! | Complete Train on any difficulty. | 20 |
Atmosphere, 90s Style! | Complete Jungle on any difficulty. | 20 |
Hello, Mr. Bond! | Complete Control on any difficulty. | 20 |
I Know It’s Here Somewhere… | Complete Caverns on any difficulty. | 20 |
Blockbuster Boss Fight! | Complete Cradle on any difficulty. | 20 |
That Music, Though… | Complete Aztec on any difficulty. | 30 |
Samedi Fight Fever! | Complete Egyptian on any difficulty. | 30 |
Welcome Back, 007 | Complete the GoldenEye story on Agent difficulty. | 40 |
Loyal to the Mission | Complete the GoldenEye story on Secret Agent difficulty. | 50 |
Oh, James… | Complete the GoldenEye story on 00 Agent difficulty. | 60 |
Double ZZZZAP! | Unlock 2x Lasers by completing Aztec on Secret Agent in 9:00 or Less | 10 |
Better Than 2x Klobbs | Unlock 2x RC-P90s by completing Caverns on 00 Agent in 9:30 or less. | 10 |
Who needs framerate? | Unlock 2x Rocket Launchers by completing Bunker 1 on 00 Agent in 4:00 or less. | 10 |
Target Acquired! | Unlock 2x Throwing Knives by completing Bunker 2 on Agent in 1:30 or less. | 10 |
Full Arsenal! | Unlock All Guns by completing Egyptian on 00 Agent in 6:00 or less. | 10 |
DUCK! | Unlock Enemy Rockets by completing Streets on Agent in 1:45 or less. | 10 |
Here They Come! | Unlock Fast Animation by completing Statue on Secret Agent in 3:15 or less. | 10 |
Best in Class | Unlock Gold PP7 by completing Cradle on Agent in 2:15 or less. | 10 |
One Shot, Just One… | Unlock Golden Gun by completing Egyptian on any difficulty. | 10 |
The Art of Boom | Unlock 2x Grenade Launchers by completing Surface 1 on Secret Agent in 3:30 or less. | 10 |
Now It’s Klobbering Time! | Unlock Infinite Ammo by completing Control on Secret Agent in 10:00 or less. | 10 |
Where Are you, Dr. Doak?! | Unlock Invincibility by completing Facility on 00 Agent in 2:05 or less. | 10 |
Cheater! | Unlock Invisibility by completing Archives on 00 Agent in 1:20 or less. | 10 |
Screen Cheater! | Unlock No Radar (Multi) by completing Frigate on Secret Agent in 4:30 or less. | 10 |
This Is the Way | Unlock Paintball Mode by completing Dam on Secret Agent in 2:40 or less. | 10 |
That’s All I Get For This?! | Unlock Silver PP7 by completing Train on 00 Agent in 5:25 or less. | 10 |
So Much Drama! | Unlock Slow Animation by completing Depot on Secret Agent in 1:40 or less. | 10 |
Everyone is Odd! | Unlock Tiny Bond by completing Surface 2 on 00 Agent in 4:15 or less. | 10 |
Booster! | Unlock Turbo Mode by completing Silo on Agent in 3:00 or less. | 10 |
Double-Cut | Unlock 2x Hunting Knives by completing Jungle on Agent in 3:45 or less. | 10 |
World Tour | Play a multiplayer match on every map. | 20 |
Decimated | Play 10 multiplayer matches. | 20 |
Q Branch Specialist | Play a multiplayer match using every weapon set. | 20 |
Playing By the Rules | Play each type of multiplayer scenario at least once. | 20 |
Multi-streak | Play five back-to-back multiplayer matches. | 20 |
Merciless | Kill a player while they’re unarmed. | 20 |
Licence to Kill | Score 100 kills in multiplayer matches over time. | 20 |
A Treehouse Classic | Play a match: Remote Mines, on Complex. | 20 |
Slapstick Comedy | Play a match: Slappers Only, on Complex, Licence to Kill. | 20 |
Should Use a Guide | Earn the ‘Mostly Harmless’ multiplayer award. | 20 |
Secret Achievement | Continue playing to unlock this achievement. | 20 |