Sledgehammer Games sembra proprio che si stia impegnando molto per sviluppare il suo ultimo progetto legato al franchise di Call of Duty.
Stiamo parlando di Call Of Duty WWII il quale ha visto in queste ore un nuovo e corposo aggiornamento dedicato alle versioni Playstation 4 e Xbox One mentre la versione PC è ancora in lavorazione.
Di seguito trovate il changelog completo:
- Fixed issue where Social Rank rewards were not granting
- Fixed issue where Confirmed Killer Order could be completed by collecting both friendly and enemy dog tags
- Fixed issue where Confirmed Denier Order was not tracking properly
- Other general UI fixes and improvements
- Buffed fire rate for MP-40 and M1928
- Buffed Combat Shotgun damage range
- Class-wide LMG movement speed buff and recoil buffs for MG15 and Lewis
- Nerfed fire rate for FG42 and adjusted recoil accordingly
- Nerfed Machine Pistol damage
- Fixed Ranked Play UI bug where rank icons changed to the placement match icon in the scoreboard that appears before the AAR
- Fixed UI issues with Zombies 2XP
- Fixed issue with Audio Log Recording Collectible
- Fixed issue where players were able to deploy more than maximum number of S-Mine 44 explosives, and lost those deployed over the maximum
- Fixed issue UI issue where kills with grenades were counting for the Blitz Used stat
Vi ricordiamo che lo sparatutto Activision è disponibile dallo scorso 3 Novembre su Playstation 4, Xbox One e PC mentre al seguente link potete trovare la nostra recensione a cura di Francesco Dovis.