Microsoft ha da poco rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per gli utenti Insiders dell’Alpha Ring che introduce sulla console Xbox One una nuova sezione dedicata al servizio ad abbonamento noto come Xbox Game Pass. In pratica, verrà inserita una nuova scheda dedicata al servizio all’interno della sezione “I Miei Giochi e App“, esattamente insieme alle schede di “Giochi”, “Pronti all’installazione”, “Aggiornamenti” e “In Coda”.
In questa sezione si può dunque esplorare rapidamente tutti i giochi del catalogo Game Pass e scaricare quelli a cui si è interessati in maniera decisamente reattiva. Ricordiamo che il menù in questione non verrà mostrato agli utenti che non possiedono l’abbonamento in questione.
Ricordiamo che è proprio di poche ore fa è la notizia che vede i futuri titoli esclusivi di Microsoft sbarcare sul servizio Xbox Game Pass già dal loro lancio. Per concludere vi riportiamo qui sotto l’intero changelog dell’aggiornamento di Xbox One.
OS version released: rs3_release_xbox_dev_1802.180119-1917
Available: 2:00PM PST 1/23/18 (10:00PM GMT 23/1)
My Games and Apps Collection – Game Pass
We have enabled a new feature to show an “Xbox Game Pass” tab within “My games & apps” for users on Preview Alpha with an active Game Pass subscription.
If someone has an active Game Pass subscription, they will see this tab appear in “My games & apps” and be able to quickly install available games from Game Pass. It works just like ‘Ready to install’ but for Game Pass.
For users in Preview Alpha who do not have Game Pass, they will see the updated left navigation—section dividers added and Memberships tab has moved.
Fixed an issue which caused the incorrect profile color to display after powering on the console.
System Update
Resolved an issue which sometimes caused the console to get stuck at a loading screen (with a loading spinner only) when downloading a system update.
Party Chat
Resolved an issue which sometimes caused party chat to crash in the Guide.
You may be unable to add/remove/edit content blocks by pressing Y.
System Setup – Kinect
When setting up a Kinect during the initial console set-up experience, the setup fails when tuning audio.
Network Transfer
The network transfer fails when initiated from a console on 1802 (this update). Workaround: You can perform a network transfer using an 1802 console as the source and initiating the network transfer from a 1711 console on the same network.
You may notice strange characters which replace normal translated text on the dashboard, Guide, and other areas. Please use Report a problem when you encounter these issues.
Games Installation
Games that are installed fail to launch. Workaround: If the games are installed to an external drive please copy the game to the internal drive or attempt to delete the title and redownload to fix the launch error.
We are investigating the inaccurate RGB colors that have been reported when displaying in 4K HDR mode when playing a UHD disc.
- The left and right navigation for selecting date and time during Tournament creation is currently reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew.
- Left and right navigation in Tournament twists is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew.
- Left and right navigation in the bracket view of Tournaments is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew
Avatars on Home
Users wishing to represent themselves as an avatar can do so by changing their settings under My profile > Customize profile > Show my avatar.