Secondo Microsoft, il consegnare agli utenti un sicuro e affidabile accesso ai servizi cloud, applicazioni e contenuti è centrale per il successo di un business come il loro.
La latenza presente nel momento in cui bisogna accedere a servizi basati sul cloud può essere decisamente inibitorio. Nella maggior parte dei casi, questo sembrerebbe essere causato dalle connessioni a internet commerciali che non sono di certo fatte su misura per le necessità del cloud (come anche spesso e volentieri non sono fatte su misura per i videogiochi online, ndr).
Ebbene, attraverso lo sviluppo e la messa in operazione di nuovi “edge sites“, cioè dei certi tipi di data center, in giro per il mondo e in posizioni strategiche Microsoft è ora in grado di accelerare le prestazioni e migliorare l’esperienza di app o servizi come Azure in generale, ma anche Office 365, situati sulla rete mondiale della compagnia americana.
Questi nuovi server ottimizzeranno le performance attraverso punti di accessi locale fino alla vasta rete informatica della compagnia sparsa per tutto il globo, in molti casi offrendo un’accelerazione del 10x per consumare e accedere a servizi basati sul cloud.
Insomma, chissà che il colosso di Redmond non utilizzi tutto questo potenziale anche per migliorare le meccaniche cloud presenti in alcuni suoi videogiochi multiplayer, come anche la stessa infrastruttra Azure dei suoi server dedicati, in particolare in vista del suo servizio di gioco in streaming atteso come Project xCloud.
Voi cosa ne pensate? Riportiamo esattamente qui sotto ulteriori dettagli sulla situazione, insieme a un tweet condiviso proprio da Phil Spencer, il capo della divisione Xbox.
What is the network edge?
Solely providing faster network access isn’t enough, and applications need intelligent services to expedite and simplify how a global audience accesses and experiences their offerings. Edge sites provide application development teams increased visibility and higher availability to access services that improve how they deliver global applications.
Edge sites benefit infrastructure and development teams in multiple key areas
- Improved optimization for application delivery through Azure Front Door (AFD.) Microsoft recently announced AFD, which allows customers to define, manage, accelerate, and monitor global routing for web traffic with customizations for the best performance and instant global failover for application accessibility.
- An enhanced customer experience via high-bandwidth access to Azure Blob storage, web applications, and live video-on-demand streams. Azure Content Delivery Network delivers high-bandwidth content by caching objects to the consumer’s closest point of presence.
- Private connectivity and dedicated performance through Azure ExpressRoute. ExpressRoute provides up to 100 gigabits per second of fully redundant bandwidth directly to the Microsoft global network at select peering locations across the globe, making connecting to and through Azure a seamless and integrated experience for customers.
New edge sites
Today, we’re announcing the addition of 31 new edge sites, bringing the total to over 150 across more than 50 countries. We’re also adding 14 new meet-me sites to Azure ExpressRoute to further enable and expand access to dedicated private connections between customers’ on-premises environments and Azure.
More than two decades of building global network infrastructure have given us a keen awareness of globally distributed edge sites and their critical role in a business’ success.
By utilizing the expanding network of edge sites, Microsoft provides more than 80 percent of global GDP with an experience of sub-30 milliseconds latency. We are adding new edges every week, and our ambition is to provide this level of performance to all of our global audience.
This expansion proves its value further when workloads move to the cloud or when Microsoft cloud services such as Azure, Microsoft 365, and Xbox are used. By operating over a dedicated, premium wide-area-network, our customers avoid transferring customer data over the public internet, which ensures security, optimizes traffic, and increases performance.
New edge sites
Country | City |
Colombia | Bogota |
Germany |
Frankfurt Munich |
India | Hyderabad |
Indonesia | Jakarta |
Kenya | Nariobi |
Netherlands | Amsterdam |
New Zealand | Auckland |
Nigeria | Lagos |
Norway | Stavanger |
United Kingdom | London |
United States |
Boston Portland |
Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City |
Upcoming edge sites
Country | City |
Argentina | Buenos Aires |
Egypt | Cairo |
Germany | Dusseldorf |
Israel | Tel Aviv |
Italy | Rome |
Japan | Tokyo |
Norway | Oslo |
Switzerland | Geneva |
Turkey | Istanbul |
United States |
Detroit Jacksonville Las Vegas Minneapolis Nashville Phoenix Quincy (WA) San Diego |
Upcoming ExpressRoute meet-me sites
Country | City |
Canada | Vancouver |
Colombia | Bogota |
Germany |
Berlin Munich |
Indonesia | Jakarta |
Italy | Milan |
Mexico | Queretaro (Mexico City) |
Norway |
Oslo Stavanger |
Switzerland | Geneva |
Thailand | Bangkok |
United States |
Minneapolis Phoenix Quincy (WA) |
With this latest announcement, Microsoft continues to offer cloud customers the fastest and most accessible global network, driving a competitive advantage for organizations accessing the global market and increased satisfaction for consumers.
Explore the Microsoft global network to learn about how it can benefit your organization today.
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