Vi informiamo che da un paio di giorni è disponibile al download la patch di potenziamento di Halo Wars 2 per la nuova console Xbox One X.
L’aggiornamento in questione si concentra nel preparare il gioco per la console di metà generazione in uscita domani, oltre che nell’introdurre finalmente il cross-play tra le piattaforme Xbox One e Windows 10. Questa nuova feature sarà disponibile nella modalità Campagna, Sparatoria, Sparatoria Blitz, Partite Personalizzate e Playlist non classificate.
Per quanto riguarda la competizione classificata tra le due comunità di giocatori, è stata inserita una particolare playlist dedicata chiamata “Playlist classificata 3v3 X War”.
Infine, il supporto a Xbox One X introduce la risoluzione in 4K nativi, HDR, miglioramento al sistema di illuminazione e ombre e altro.
Qui sotto potete vedere l’intero changelog della patch.
- Added support for 4K Ultra HD & HDR gameplay on Xbox One X
- Crossplay is here for Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs!
– Crossplay will be supported for Campaign, Blitz Firefight, Terminus Firefight, Custom Games, and all UNRANKED Playlists
– All of the existing ranked playlists will remain platform-specific for the sake of fairness and parity
– For players who really want to see how console stacks up against PC, a new playlist called “Ranked 3v3 X War” will be added that will support crossplay.
– Crossplay will be rolled out in phases to make sure everything is working as intended and to give the team time to assess.When the update is released, the following will be enabled for crossplay:
– Campaign
– Blitz & Terminus Firefight
– Custom Games
– Unranked Playlists: 3v3 Deathmatch, Terminus Firefight
– Ranked Playlist: (NEW) “Ranked 3v3 X War”** Crossplay will be added to more playlists at a later date once everything is verified to be in good shape.
- Arena support on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs
– Halo Wars 2 now supports tournament play between members in the same club.
– Available tournament types at launch:
– 1v1 Deathmatch – Rift
– 1v1 Deathmatch – Bedrock
– 2v2 Deathmatch – Sentry
– 2v2 Deathmatch – Vault
– 3v3 Deathmatch – Ashes
– 3v3 Deathmatch – Fissures
– 2v2 Blitz
- Fixed various crashes, soft locks and desyncs
- Improved disconnection handling
- Fixed medals and progress not being restored from services
- Fixed potential cause of lost progression
- Fixed mobile garrison units not ejecting garrisoned units
- Fixed ODST units not capturing Power Nodes and Control Towers
- Fixed progression blocker in Manifestation caused by recycling a Mega Turret
- Fixed temporarily invincible scripted Flood Infectors in Manifestation
- Fixed friendly fire towards the Nexus and Spires from player turrets and offensive leader powers
- Fixed the Find Match tile in the Firefight menu
- Fixed an issue where season leaderboards were not loading in the leaderboard data
- Fixed placeholder mission briefing video in Manifestation
- Fixed Operation: Spearbreaker DLC placeholder achievement images
- Fixed missing splash art from the ATN loading screens
- Fixed missing Shield Barrier VFX in Firefight
- Fixed missing flare VFX for Lotus Mines in Firefight
- Fixed missing supplies glow VFX
- Fixed flickering Barriers during deployment
- Fixed premature Colossus deployment animation in Not On My Watch
- Fixed inconsistent camera boundary on mini-map in Gatecrashers
- Restored ability to rebind the Cancel command
- Fixed default Push to Talk key (‘\’) not functioning until rebound
* Balance updates are being worked on and will be forthcoming in a separate server-side update at a little later date. Stay tuned for more details!
Halo Wars 2, strategico in tempo reale sviluppato da The Creative Assembly, è disponibile all’acquisto esclusivamente sulle piattaforme Microsoft Windows 10 e Xbox One.
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