Come certamente, ad inizio ottobre 2019 Sony ha confermato che il Cross-Play di PlayStation 4 è uscito dalla beta, essendo quindi ora disponibile per tutti gli sviluppatori che desiderano utilizzarlo.
Vista quindi l’importanza che sta acquisendo questa funzione, feature che ricordiamo permette di giocare online con i propri amici anche se non si ha la stessa piattaforma di gioco, vi riportiamo qui di seguito la lista con tutti i giochi che supportano attualmente il Cross-Play.
Eccovi l’elenco completo:
- Fortnite: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile
- Dauntless: PS4, Xbox One, PC
- Rocket League: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4
- SMITE: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (September 17)
- Paladins: Champions of the Realm: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4
- Realm Royale: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (October)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Xbox One, PS4, PC (October 25)
- Brawlhalla: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Minecraft: Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile
- DC Universe Online: PS4, PC
- Aragami: Xbox One, PC, Switch / PS4, PC
- Ark: Survival Evolved: Xbox One, PC
- Atom Universe: PS4, PC
- Astroneer: Xbox One, PC
- Blobcat: Switch, PC
- Brawlhalla: Switch, Xbox One
- Boundless: PS4, PC
- Chess Ultra: Xbox One, Switch, PC / PC, PS4
- Crackdown 3: Xbox One, PC
- Crazy Justice: Xbox One, PC, Switch
- Deep Rock Galactic: Xbox One, PC
- Dick Wilde 2: PS4, PC
- Dragon Quest Builders 2: PS4, Switch
- Disc Jam: Switch, PC / PC, PS4
- Eve: Valkyrie: PS4, PC
- Eagle Flight: PS4, Steam
- Exoder: Switch-Steam
- Fable Fortune: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Fantasy Strike: PS4-Steam, Switch-Steam
- Final Fantasy XV: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: PS4, PC, Mac
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition:PS4-Switch
- Full Metal Furies: Xbox One, PC
- Forza Horizon 3: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Forza Horizon 4: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Forza Motorsport 7: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Full Metal Furies: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Games of Glory: PS4, PC
- Gears 5: Xbox One-Windows 10-Steam
- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game: PS4-PC (GOG), Xbox One-PC (GOG)
- Guns of Icarus Online: PS4, PC, Mac
- Halo Wars 2: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Happy Wars: Xbox One, PC
- Hearthstone: PC, Mac, iOS, Android
- Hero Siege: PC, Mac, mobile, Switch / PC, Mac, mobile, PS4
- Hex: PS4, PC
- Hover: Xbox One, Switch, PC / PC, PS4
- Kabounce: PS4, PC
- Killer Instinct: Xbox One-Windows 10-Steam
- Killer Queen Black: Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- #IDARB: Xbox One-Windows 10
- Levelhead: Switch-Steam
- Lightseekers: Switch-Steam
- Mantis Burn Racing: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
- Minecraft: Xbox One-Switch-Windows 10
- Morphies Law: Switch, PC
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition: One, Switch, PC
Mushroom Wars 2: Switch, PC, Mac, mobile - NBA 2K Playgrounds 2: Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Next Up Hero: Xbox One, Switch, Mac, PC
- Overload: Xbox One, PC / PS4, PC
- Onigiri: Switch, PC
- Phantasy Star Online 2: One, PS4, PC
- Phantom Dust: One, PC
- Paladins: Champions of the Realm: PS4-Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- Pinball FX 3: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
- PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds: PS4, Xbox One
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid: Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- ReadySet Heroes: PS4-Steam
- Pox Nora: PS4, PC, Mac
- Pure Chess: PC, 3DS
- Rec Room: PS4, PC
- Realm Royale: PS4-Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- Rocket Arena: Xbox One-Steam
- Riptide GP Renegade: Switch, PC / Xbox One, PC
- Roblox: Xbox One, PC, Mac, mobile
- Rocket League: PS4-Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- Sea of Thieves: One, PC
- Siegecraft Commander: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
- Smite: PS4-Xbox One-Switch-Steam
- Sniper Elite V2 Remastered: Xbox One, PC
- Space Junkies: PS4, PC
- Spacelords: PS4, PC / Xbox One, PC
- Square Heroes: PS4, PC
- Sports Bar VR: PS4, PC
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew: PS4, PC
- State of Decay 2: One, PC
- Street Fighter V: PS4, PC
- Square Heroes: PS4, PC
- Super Dungeon Bros: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, PC
- Super Mega Baseball 2: PS4, PC / Xbox One, PC
- Trailblazers: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Treasure Stack: Xbox One, Switch, PC
- Tooth and Tail: PS4, PC, Mac
- Ultimate Chicken Horse: PS4, PC, Mac / Switch, PC, Mac
- War Thunder: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, PC, Mac
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions: Switch, PC
- Wargroove: Switch, Xbox One, PC
- Weapons of Mythology: New Age: PS4, PC
- Werewolves Within: PS4, PC
- Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection: One, PC