Gli sviluppatori di Gearbox Software hanno annunciato che una nuova patch verrà applicata automaticamente a Borderlands 3 una volta che arriverete al menù principale utilizzando una connessione a internet.
Si tratta di un hot fix momentaneo, in attesa di un aggiornamento maggiore da parte del team per risolvere alcuni dei problemi noti e segnalati dagli utenti.
Sono stati dunque introdotti alcuni miglioramenti al bilanciamento generale del gioco come anche alcune risoluzioni di bug. Per quanto riguarda invece i problemi alle prestazioni gli sviluppatori stanno lavorando al fine di pubblicare ulteriori patch.
Qui sotto potete trovare l’intero changelog dell’hot fix in questione.
Hot Fixes
September 19,2019
We are aware that the below list does not include issues that the community is immediately concerned with. We are hard at work evaluating performance problems and potential solutions for them. In the meantime, these are some balance updates that we can do quickly:
- Yellow paint has been added to Ambermire to mark a more obvious path to complete the Sabotage Crew Challenge.
- The New-U Station in front of the Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport (used during the “Space-Laser Tag” Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
- The New-U Station in front of Titian’s Gate (used during the “Atlas, At Last” Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
- The first Guardian a player runs into during the “Beneath the Meridian” mission is no longer over-leveled.
- The Eridian chest by the Grotto in the Jakob’s Estate is no longer invisible.
- Eridium crystals in Voracious Canopy grow less frequently.
- Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode.
- Torgue shotgun sticky damage has been reduced.
- Reduced E-Tech shotgun elemental damage from “flesh off your bones” to “a lot”.
- Chupacabratch dropped too much of his hard-earned loot.
- Adjusted spawn rate of Loot Tinks in Mansion. They’re special again.
- Removed pain-sounds from Troy for his boss fight.
Hotfixes are applied at the Game Menu when you start the game. To ensure that the hotfix has been applied, go to the in-game menu and see if “updates are available” showing.
Che ne pensate?
Ricordiamo che Borderlands 3 è disponibile all’acquisto per le piattaforme PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.