Vi informiamo che Unofficial Patch Project Team ha rilasciato una nuova patch non ufficiale per il videogioco di ruolo con elementi sparatutto noto come Fallout 4.
La patch 2.0.3 per la versione PC Microsoft Windows si occupa di risolvere numerosi bug presenti all’interno del gioco che gli sviluppatori di Bethesda non hanno ancora risolto, dovutamente ai limiti del nuovo motore di gioco Creation Engine. Riportiamo proprio qui sotto il changelog dell’aggiornamento, mentre tramite il seguente link potete trovare tutti i contenuti di gioco modificati. Per scaricare la patch invece potete dirigervi a questo link.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch 2.0.3 Release Notes
Official Patch Merges
- New keywords for power armor paint introduced with patch 1.10.64 have been added.
- Keyword data for the Gatling Laser added by patch 1.10.50 has been added. (Bug #23373)
Actor Fixes
- LCharStingwing was missing its leveled list flags. (Bug #23166)
- Removed unused script properties from REProtectron. (Bug #22345)
- Kelly the Brahmin Vendor’s AI package has been fixed so she won’t simply stand idle in one spot anymore. (Bug #23343)
Item Fixes
- SecurityBar01, SecurityBarBase02: Missing properties added so these will function correctly when used. (Bug #23573)
- Removed a duplicated item from LLI_Armor_Gunner_Outfit_Arms100. (Bug #23126)
Mesh Fixes
- Blood packs were missing the plastic tubing other medical packs have attached. (meshes\props\bloodpack.nif) (Bug #23170)
- Trifold American Flag objects had bad snap point alignments in workshop mode. (meshes\props\trifoldflag.nif, meshes\props\trifoldflag_prewar.nif, meshes\props\trifoldflagempty.nif) (Bug #23215)
- Glow sights on the Deliverer were too bright, causing bloom distortion. (meshes\weapons\covertsidearm\covertsidearmnightsights_1.nif) (Bug #23366)
- Fixed a portion of the X01 power armor being out of position. (meshes\actors\powerarmor\characterassets\Mods\PA_X1_Body.nif, meshes\actors\powerarmor\characterassets\Mods\PA_X1_Helmet.nif, meshes\actors\powerarmor\characterassets\Mods\PA_X1_LArm.nif, meshes\actors\powerarmor\characterassets\Mods\PA_X1_RArm.nif) (Bug #23551)
Quest Fixes
- Molerat encounters at Rotten Landfill should now clean themselves up properly if the molerats are defeated. A missing alias for the second scavenger has also been replaced. (Bug #23602)
- Cleared invalid properties from REChokepointSC03. (Bug #23068)
- BoS100Fight needed to have it’s HealthAV property initialized in the script. (Bug #23080)
- Cleared invalid properties from RETreasureHuntSC01. (Bug #23098)
- Cleared invalid properties from DLC01REObjectSC01. (Bug #23111)
- Cleared invalid properties from DLC04MQ00Gunners. (Bug #23118)
- Fixed RECampKMK02 to point Alias_Friend01 at the correct reference. (Bug #23130)
- Cleared invalid properties from DN066. (Bug #23143)
- Fixed RECampSC03 to point a topic info property to the right entry. (Bug #23162)
- Cleared invalid properties from REObjectJS01. (Bug #23164)
- Cleared invalid properties from DN102. Also set 2 aliases to optional so the script that clears them can actually do so. (Bug #23230, Bug #23231)
- Cleared invalid properties from DLC01MQ04. (Bug #23267)
- Cleared invalid properties from DN083_Barney. (Bug #23316)
- Flagged 4 aliases as optional in DN143 so that the script that clears them can actually do so. (Bug #23410)
- Cleared invalid properties from BoS101. (Bug #23470)
- Cleared invalid properties from FFDiamondCityWanted01. (Bug #23472)
- Cleared invalid properties from BoS101ArcJet. (Bug #23550)
- Removed “run on stop” flag from the final stage of MQ102 and corrected the script to close it down properly. (Bug #23077)
- DLC01REObjectKMK01 had a scene property incorrectly pointing to a static reference. The rearming trigger for the encounter has also been fixed so it will run properly. (Bug #23119)
- Replaced missing sound marker for DN102. (Bug #23229)
- Fixed communication errors between the various treasure hunt quests and their master control quest. (Bug #23561)
Fallout 4 è disponibile all’acquisto per le piattaforme PC Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One, con supporto alle console di metà generazione PlayStation 4 Pro e Xbox One X.
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