E’ finalmente disponibile al download la prima patch dedicata a Ori and the Will of the Wisps, l’apprezzatissimo seguito di Ori and the Blind Forest sviluppato da Moon Studios.
Potete scaricare l’aggiornamento sia su console Xbox che sulle piattaforme PC Windows, in modo da migliorare le prestazioni gioco e anche i tempi di caricamento delle mappe.
Sono stati introdotti altri miglioramenti generali come il caricamento della scena e degli asset, ma anche correzioni di diversi bug di gioco.
Qui sotto potete trovare l’intero elenco dei contenuti della patch.
Patch Notes
– Improved performance
– Improved map loading times
– Improvements to scene and asset loading
– Map remembers the last zoom position now when reopened
– Fixed the buzzing issue for the vast majority of players
– Fixed bugs with obtaining certain achievements
– Fixed missing characters in Asian languages
– Fixed problems with some controller buttons not working for some players
– Fixed crashing / freezing on start issue
– Fixed several issues where player gets trapped behind closed door after respawning
– Fixed several instances of screen going black at certain moments
– Fixed problems with picking up some of the collectibles
– Many more minor fixes
– Introduced an option to hide HUD, along with a dynamic HUD mode
– Added exclusive fullscreen option
– Introduced resolution scaling option
– Introduced motion blur scaling option
– Introduced controller vibration scaling option
– Fast travel from map is now a separate upgrade purchasable from Opher
Achievements fixes details:
Healthy and Powerful achievements should be granted automatically when loading a save that meets all the criteria.
Destiny, Hardcore Fan, Shardless, Lightless, Look at the Time and Immortal will be granted when the player loads the save slot they finished the game on and watches the epilogue again, as long as they meet the required criteria.
Thank you again for continued patience with us this past month as we’ve worked out the kinks and further optimized Ori and the Will of the Wisps with this new patch. We know it has been frustrating for some but hope everyone enjoys all the fixes included in the latest update. We look forward to polishing the game even more and will keep you updated. Have a fun time exploring Niwen!
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